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Yox Fluid Coupling

Yox Fluid Coupling

Update Terakhir 14 / 09 / 2022
Minimal Pembelian 1 Unit


Rp. 123

Detail Yox Fluid Coupling

PT. Sarana Teknik Indonesia jual Yox Fluid Coupling berkualitas dan terjangkau. Cek disini untuk informasi lebih lengkapnya.

YOXm Type Constant Filling Fluid couplings
YOXm is one that the axle of decelerating machine directly inserts in ...

YOXf Type Constant Filling Fluid couplings
YOXf is a type connected both sides,the axle size of which is longer.B...

YOXp Type Constant Filling Fluid couplings
YOXp type is a connection style of bell tray with hydraulic coincidenc...

YOXnz Type Constant Filling Fluid couplings
This form is suitable for a driven unh with brake structure Which makes it simple and w...

YOXIIz Type constant Filling Fluid Couplings
The fittings of YOXIIz have a wide usage,simple structure and th...