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Rossi Reducer Gearbox

Rossi Reducer Gearbox

Update Terakhir 13 / 06 / 2022
Minimal Pembelian 1 Unit



Detail Rossi Reducer Gearbox

PT. Sarana Teknik Indonesia jual Rossi Reducer Gearbox dengan harga terjangkau dan kualitas terbaik. Cek disini untuk informasi lengkapnya!

Helical and bevel helical gear reducers and gearmotors, planetary, worm and coaxial gear reducers and gearmotors, precision servo gearmotors for automation purposes: all of our products have been designed to assure excellent, reliable and long lasting unique mechanical performance, resulting in reduced operating costs and long life.

All the gearings - with external toothing, cylindrical, helical and spiral cone ones - manufactured by Rossi Group feature ground surfaces with strict tolerance class (DIN 6) and special surface finishing with profile and helix angle corrections optimized to counterbalance elastic deformation under load. Casings are designed based on specific criteria aimed at maximizing rigidity and containing weight.

Casings, there including very large ones, are processed with state-of-the-art machine tools so as to meet the strictest precision requirements. This is why our gear reducers can boost top performance and overall rigidity without compromising compact dimensions, reduced noise emission and low energy consumptionROSSI GEARBOX MR31 ROSSI GEARBOX MR 21 ROSSI GEARBOX MR V ROSSI GEARBOX MR 21 V.

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PT. Sarana Teknik Indonesia